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Many famous authors have written on this great ‘Song of Songs, yet it is still a ‘difficult read’ to most students of the bible. It was to me too till, after an unexpected ‘God encounter,’ I read it again with fresh eyes. The result was this devotional exposition, focussing on the song’s narrative, with an accompanying modern English translation.
It is a wonderful tale of heart-searching highs and lows. We see both the desperate passion and fearfulness of the one on whom Solomon has set his love, and how lovingly and patiently he wins her trust, lifting her from near despair to magnificent royalty.
We also discover how Solomon’s prophetic vision of the ‘shepherd king’ led to his own downfall. Yet, more importantly, we see how perfectly it is fulfilled in the ultimate ‘Good Shepherd’ and ‘King of Love,’ Jesus Christ.
My hope is that through studying this song you too will be led into a deeper, more passionate and confident relationship with the only One who can satisfy our deepest heart’s desires.
About the Author
A church leader and Bible teacher for over 40 years, Kevin has been a regular visitor to churches and Bible schools in various parts of the world. But for some time now his most frequent request has been: ‘Can you teach on the Song of Solomon again this year?’
©2012 Kevin King ~ Published by Virtualbookworm.com Publishing.
Artwork ©2012 Wendee Clay, commissioned and reproduced by permission for promoting this book only. For any other proposed use, please contact the artist (www.facebook.com/pages/Wendee-Clay-Art/269198103094202).
Have you read this book? What did you think of it?
Hi Kevin and Judy
Have checked out your video and I think it is great and to hear both your voices again wonderful! As you know I thought your book was excellent and the layout good for easy reading.
I am thinking of starting a blog next month to promote Diamond Books and am considering using WordPress too – I was impressed with Court Tuttle’s online help to get started. Any tips or advice about this as I am green with all the social media stuff and am just embarking for the Kingdom’s sake?
We now have publishers in the States, Westbow Press, the self publishing wing of Nelson Publishers who are publishing the next set of Diamond Books Set B ‘The Jesus Series’, 16 books for 4-5 year olds. Have just received the final colour proofs of the illustrations and they are brilliant – well worth the wait to get the job done professionally. Trusting God to sell the 4000 boxed sets that hope to be produced – 2000 for the American market and 2000 for the Englsih speaking market elsewhere. If we can gauge the markets right there will be money available to produce the next set. There are 12 sets planned altogether (see the website http://www.diamondbooks.org.uk again if you’ve not seen it recently as it has been revamped and will need to be continually updated annually I reckon. – it’s been a rough, slow and difficult road but God is using all the waiting to work on me and to bring a greater glory to Him for the blessing of thousands of children – Praise God!
How often do you blog, Kevin? How long does it take you for each one? Do you focus on just your book or do you deviate?
Hi, Carole!
Sorry to have been so slow in approving and responding to this. The simple truth is that, at the time, I had no experience of blogging and no advice to offer, so set it aside and then forgot! I was also unsure if I ought to edit your comments before approving them; but with hindsight I just decided to let it stand complete. Having looked at your website, it now looks as if you are blogging more regularly than I am: so perhaps I need advice from you!